2007 Site Updates
12-30-2007 Added an Urdu booklet,
مسیحی ایمان کے بارے میں چند غلط فہمیاں جوزمانہ حال میں اہل اسلام میں رائج ہیں,
(The Misconceptions about the Christian faith that are Prevalent in Contemporary Islamic Thought).
12-27-2007 Added a Turkish book,
Çarmıh'ın Yüceliği, a translation of Samuel M. Zwemer's "The Glory of the Cross" (London, 1938). It is available under the
Turkish Books section.
12-17-2007 Added an Arabic book titled مَصَادرُ العَقِيْدَةِ الدّرْزِيَّةِ (The Sources of Druze Belief) by Hamid ibn Sirin.
12-14-2007 Added Farsi translations of the Epistles to the Thessalonians.
The PDF files,
رساله اول به تسالونيكيان and
رساله دوم به تسالونيكيان, are published on the main Farsi page under Believer's Bible Commentary.
12-13-2007 Added Farsi translations of the Epistles to the Philippians and Colossians.
The PDF files, رساله به فیلپیان and رساله به کولسیان, are published on the main Farsi page under Believer's Bible Commentary.
12-06-2007 Added a series of audio questions and answers in Urdu. The same files with English titles can be found on the main Urdu page.
12-03-2007 Added a Russian book,
По следам Его: Как бы поступил Иисус?,
a translation of Charles M. Sheldon's "In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do?" (Chicago, 1896)
12-03-2007 Added a Turkish book,
El Kindi'nin Savunması,
a translation of Sir William Muir's "The Apology of Al Kindy." (Second Edition, London, 1887)
11-30-2007 Added an Urdu article,
شیخ میخائیل منصور کیوں مسیحی ہوئے,
شیخ کامل منصور صاحب ("Sheikh Michael Mansur: Why He Became a Christian" by Allama Sheikh Kamil Mansoor, 1932).
11-27-2007 Added an Urdu article,
ضروریات عقلی,
قسرِ صلیب نقلِ مکتوبات (The Necessity of Logic by Allama Abdul Haqq, 1967).
11-26-2007 Added an Urdu article,
آسمانی باپ,
علامہ ایم۔ایچ دُرانی (The Heavenly Father by Dr. M.H. Durrani, 1952).
10-16-2007 Added an Urdu book,
اسلام میں قرآن,
علامہ وليم گولڈ سيک (The Koran In Islam: An Inquiry into the Integrity of the Qur’an by William Goldsack, 1906).
09-30-2007 Added an Urdu book,
ہبوط نسلِ انسانی,
مولوی پادری سلطان محمد پال (The Fall of Human Race by Allama Sultan M. Paul).
09-30-2007 Added an Urdu article,
خدا کی ہستی,
علامہ پادری حاجی عبدالحق (The Existence of God by Allama Abdul Haqq).
09-30-2007 Added an Urdu article,
اثباتِ صلیب رنگ معقولیت میں,
علامہ یوسف جلیل۔ایم ۔اے (The Evidence of the Cross by Allama Yousaf Jalil).
09-30-2007 Added an Urdu book,
مصدق اورمھیمن,
علامہ جے این بھٹی (Authenticity of the Bible according to the Koran, 1921 by Allama J. N. Bhatti).
09-29-2007 Added a Turkish book entitled,
Birde Üç Olan, Yaratan, Beden Alan, Kefaret Eden Tanrı (Müslümanların itirazlarına verilen bir yanıt ve Felsefeye ilişkin savunma içeren bir makale), a translation of the book by W. H. T. Gairdner, God as Triune, Creator, Incarnate, Atoner (A Reply to Muhammadan Objections and an Essay in Philosophic Apology), Christian Literature Society For India, 1916.
09-28-2007 Added the Farsi commentary,
رساله به افسسیان,
تفسیر کتاب مقدس برای ایمانداران, نوشته ویلیام مک دونالد
(William MacDonald, The Epistle to the Ephesians, Believer's Bible
Commentary, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1995, pp.
09-28-2007 Added the Farsi commentary,
رساله به غلاطیان,
تفسیر کتاب مقدس برای ایمانداران, نوشته ویلیام مک دونالد
(William MacDonald, The Epistle to the Galatians, Believer's Bible
Commentary, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1995, pp.
09-28-2007 Added an Urdu book,
الصلیب فی التاریخ,
علامہ یوسف جلیل (The Cross According
to History, 1921 by Allama Yousaf Jalil).
09-27-2007 Added a Turkish book entitled,
İslamiyet Ve Tanrı’nın Müjdesi,
a translation of the book by H. Spencer, Islam And The Gospel Of God,
New Delhi, India, 1956.
09-18-2007 Added an Arabic book entitled,
مجادلة :
الأنبا جرجي الرَّاهب السّمعانيّ مع ثلاثة شيوخ من فقهاء المسلمين
بحضرة الأمير مشمّر الأيوبيّ (The Debate of Father Georgy, the Simeonite Monk, with three of Muslim Scholars in the Presence of the Prince Mushammar Ayyubid, pp. 115).
09-14-2007 Added a PDF file of Sigismund Wilhelm Koelle, 'Abd 'Isa,
Food For Reflection: Being an Historical Comparison between Muhammadanism and Christianity, The Christian Literature Society for India, S.P.C.K. Press, Madras, India, 1914, pp. 152.
09-03-2007 Added an Urdu book,
مسئلہ تخلیق – من تصنیف,
علامہ قسیس جان قلندر (The Muslim & Hindu Doctrine Of Creation, 1921 by Allama John Qalander).
08-22-2007 Added the Farsi commentary,
رساله اول به قرنتیان,
تفسیر کتاب مقدس برای ایمانداران, نوشته ویلیام مک دونالد
(William MacDonald, The First Epistle to the Corinthians, Believer's Bible
Commentary, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1995, pp.
08-22-2007 Added the Farsi commentary,
رساله دوم به قرنتیان,
تفسیر کتاب مقدس برای ایمانداران, نوشته ویلیام مک دونالد
(William MacDonald, The Second Epistle to the Corinthians, Believer's Bible
Commentary, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1995, pp.
08-16-2007 Added a Russian book,
Закон Об
Отступничестве В Исламе, by Сэмьюэл М. Цвемер, Its English title is,
The Law Of Apostasy In Islam by Samuel M. Zwemer, 1912.
08-01-2007 Added an Urdu book,
موازنہ بائبل وقرآن,
از خواجہ (Comparison of the Bible & Qur'an, 1929 by Allama Khawja).
08-01-2007 Added an Urdu Article,
منجئی جہان کی آخری فسح اور پاک عشائے ربانی کا صحیح مفہوم,
by علامہ برکت اللہ مرحوم (The Last Supper of the Savior of the World and Its Significance by Allama Barakat Ullah).
07-16-2007 Added an Arabic book entitled,
خُطَبٌ في الرسالةِ الأولى والثانية إلى أهل تسالونيكي by هنري إيرونسايد
(Addresses On The Letters Of Paul To The Thessalonians, by Harry
Ironside, pp. 56).
06-18-2007 Added an Arabic book entitled,
الفتنة الكبرى: ٢. علي وبنوه by طه حسين
(The Grand Riot: 2. 'Ali and His Sons by Taha Husain, pp. 280).
06-07-2007 Added an Arabic book entitled,
الفتنة الكبرى ١. عثمان by طه حسين
(The Grand Riot: 1. ‘Uthman by Taha Husain, pp. 239).
05-31-2007 Added a Russian book,
Оправдание Аль-Кинди, by Сэром Уильямом Мьюиром, Its English title is, The Apology of Al-Kindy, by Sir William Muir,
Second edition, 1886.
05-28-2007 Added an Arabic article entitled,
قانونٌ مُوَحَّدٌ لدُور العبَادَة by حازم عبدالرحمن (Unified law to construct buildings for worship in Egypt by Hazim Abdul Rahman)
05-24-2007 Added the Farsi commentary,
مکاشفه عیسی مسیح,
تفسیر کتاب مقدس برای ایمانداران, نوشته, ویلیام مک دونالد
(William MacDonald, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Believer's Bible
Commentary, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1995, pp.
05-24-2007 Added the Farsi commentary,
رساله به رومیان,
تفسیر کتاب مقدس برای ایمانداران, نوشته, ویلیام مک دونالد
(William MacDonald, The Epistle to the Romans, Believer's Bible
Commentary, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1995, pp.
05-24-2007 Added the Farsi commentary,
اعمال رسولان,
تفسیر کتاب مقدس برای ایمانداران, نوشته, ویلیام مک دونالد
(William MacDonald, The Acts of the Apostles, Believer's Bible
Commentary, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1995, pp.
05-23-2007 Added an Arabic book entitled,
رسائل تفسيرية على الرسالة إلى أهل غلاطية by هنري إيرونسايد (Commentary On The Letter Of Paul To The Galatians, by Harry A. Ironside).
05-21-2007 Added an Arabic booklet entitled,
التنزيه الإسلامي by القس جردنر (Islamic Transcendence: Discourse & Account,
1914, pp. 81 by W. H. T. Gairdner).
05-20-2007 Added an Arabic book entitled,
أديان العرب قبل الإسلام by الَدُّكتُور جَوّاد عَلي (Volume
VI. Religions of Arabs prior to Islam, 1993, pp. 828; In
Series: The Comprehensive History of Arabs prior to Islam. by Dr. Jawād ‘Ali).
05-19-2007 Added an Arabic booklet entitled,
موت الإنسان الكامل by القس جردنر (The Death Of The Perfect Man From Various Perspectives by W. H. T. Gairdner).
05-17-2007 Added an Urdu book,
کیا تمام مذاہب یکساں ہیں؟,
(Are All World Religions The Same? by Allama Barakat Ullah).
04-13-2007 Added an Arabic article entitled,
"لا يا هويدي: "عِقدُنا لم ينفرط by القس/ رفعت فكري سعيد (Why does the Egyptian Constitution declare Shari'a is the source for Egyptian laws? by Refaat Fikry)
04-11-2007 Added an Arabic booklet entitled,
نورُ الأنوار في كشف السَّبعَة الأسَرار by إ. ليلاس تروتِّر (The
Way of the Seven Fold Secret by I. Lillas Trotter)
04-10-2007 Added a Russian book,
Ислам И Божие Евангелие, by Харолд Спенсер, Its English title is, Islam and the Gospel of God by Harold Spencer, 1956.
04-03-2007 Added a booklet entitled,
The Way of the Seven Fold Secret
by I. Lillas Trotter presents the gospel of God's grace in a contextualized manner for
Muslim Sufis.
04-01-2007 Added an Arabic booklet entitled,
صلب المسيح : بالبرهان التاريخي والدليل الصحيح by عبد عيسى (Proof
of the Crucifixion of Christ by Historical Evidence and Correct
Testimony by 'Abed Isa is a nom de plume for Sigismund
Wilhelm Koelle)
03-24-2006 Added the Farsi commentary,
مندرجات عهد جدید,
تفسیر کتاب مقدس برای ایمانداران, نوشته ویلیام مک دونالد
(William MacDonald, The Introduction to the New Testament, Believer's Bible
Commentary, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1995, pp.
03-22-2007 Added an Arabic article entitled,
النار لدى المسلمين by مالك مسلماني (Hell from a Muslim Perspective by Malek Meselmany)
03-20-2007 Added an Arabic book entitled,
عيسى أَمْ يسوع
by صموئيل م. زويمر (The Moslem Christ by Samuel M. Zwemer
pp. 179)
03-15-2007 Added the Farsi commentary,
انجیل به روایت یوحنا,
تفسیر کتاب مقدس برای ایمانداران, نوشته ویلیام مک دونالد
(William MacDonald, The Gospel of John, Believer's Bible
Commentary, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1995, pp.
03-15-2007 Added the Farsi commentary,
انجیل به روایت مرقس,
تفسیر کتاب مقدس برای ایمانداران, نوشته ویلیام مک دونالد
(William MacDonald, The Gospel of Mark, Believer's Bible
Commentary, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1995, pp.
03-13-2007 Added a Turkish book entitled,
Kuran: Derlemesi ve Öğretişi; Ve Kutsal Yazılara Ettiği Tanıklık,
a translation of the book by Sir William Muir, The Corân: Its Composition And Teaching; And The Testimony It Bears To The Holy Scriptures, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, England, 1878, 239 pages.
03-12-2007 Added the Farsi commentary,
انجیل به روایت لوقا,
تفسیر کتاب مقدس برای ایمانداران, نوشته ویلیام مک دونالد
(William MacDonald, The Gospel of Luke, Believer's Bible
Commentary, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1995, pp.
03-12-2007 Added the Farsi commentary,
انجیل به روایت متی,
تفسیر کتاب مقدس برای ایمانداران, نوشته ویلیام مک دونالد
(William MacDonald, The Gospel of Matthew, Believer's Bible
Commentary, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1995, pp.
03-07-2007 Added an Arabic book entitled,
مُذَكَّراتٌ تَارِيخيَّةٌ عَنْ حملة إبراهيم باشا علىٰ سُوريا — ص ١٥٩ — مُؤَلِّف مَجْهُول.
(Historical Memoranda on Campaign of Ibrahīm Pāshā in Syria by Anonym,
pp. 159)
03-07-2007 Added a Russian book,
Христос У Мусульман, by Сэмьюэл М. Цвемер, Its English title is, The Moslem Christ by Samuel M. Zwemer, 1912.
03-02-2007 Added an Arabic book entitled,
جدول ترقيم آي����������ت القرآن وفق طبعتيْ فلوغل (١٨٣٤) والقاهرة (١٩٢٥)
— Correlation Chart for the Verses of the Flügel (1834) and
Cairo (1925) Editions of the Qur’an, pp. 414).
02-25-2007 An article on
William St. Clair Tisdall,
Shi’ah Additions To The Koran, In:
The Moslem World, Vol. III, No. 3, July, 1913, pp. 227-241.
02-25-2007 Added an Arabic book entitled,
رسَائل الحكمة — المجلد الأوّل
by حَمزة بن عَليّ، إسمَعيل التَّميميّ، بَهاء الدّين السّموقي — The Epistles of Wisdom, Vol. 1 by
Hamzah ibn ‘Alī, Īsma‘īl At-Tamīmī, Baha Ad-Dīn Assamūqī, pp. 303).
The subject of this book is the Druze religion.
02-20-2007 Added an Urdu Article, مسیح ابن اللہ, (Jesus
Christ the Son of God by Dr. M. H. Durrani).
02-09-2007 An article on
Islam: Crime and Interfaith Reconciliation.
02-07-2007 Added an Urdu Article,
درسِ حقیقت یا حق کی پہچان برائے مخالفین القرآن, (Comprehension
of the Truth According to the Followers of the Koran by Allama W. Baruch).
02-07-2007 Added an Urdu Article,
مسیح کی مانند ہونا, (Christ Like by Allama Dost Jahlandri).
02-07-2007 Added an Urdu Article,
انبیائے کرام اورپیشین گوئیاں, (Prophets and Prophecy by Allama Dost Jahlandri).
02-07-2007 Added an Urdu Article,
وفاتِ مسیح برصلیب ازروئے تحریراتِ مرزا, (Crucifixion of Jesus Christ According to Mirza Ghulam Ahmed by Allama Khurshid Alam).
02-06-2007 An article on
Tickets To
Two Parallel Scenes,
Stand Where the
Fire Has Been,
When Drought Comes, Then Comes the Fire.
02-06-2007 Added an Urdu Article,
قسرِ صلیب نقلِ مکتوبات, (Destroying the Cross — A Debate
by Allama Abdul Haqq).
02-03-2007 Added an Arabic book entitled,
مذاهب التفسير الإسلامي
by إجنتس جولدتسهر — The Directions of the Islamic Koran Interpretation (an
Arabic translation of the German book, Die Richtungen Der Islamischen Koranauslegung by Ignaz Goldziher).
01-25-2007 Added an Urdu Article,
روزہ اوراُس کی اہمیت, (Fasting and its Significance by Dr. Samuel Bahjaan M.A., Ph.D.).
01-25-2007 Added an Urdu Article,
المسیح, (Jesus Christ by Ishaq Raheem Bakash).
01-25-2007 Added an Urdu Article,
پہلا کرسمس, (First Christmas According to the Holy Gospel by Dr. M.H. Durrani).
01-25-2007 Added an Urdu Article,
حقیقی مسیح, (The True Messiah by Allama Roshan Khan Malik).
01-25-2007 Added an Urdu Article,
سیدنا مسیح کی آمد اورسلطنتِ روم, (The Birth of Jesus Christ & the Roman Empire).
01-25-2007 Added an Urdu Article,
سیدنا مسیح کی فوق الفطرت پیدائش , (The Supernatural Birth of Jesus Christ by Allama Paul Ernest B.A).
01-25-2007 Added an Urdu Article,
کلمتہ اللہ کی آمدکا فلسفہ, (The Philosophy of the Incarnation of Christ by Allama Asghar Fazal Ellahi Pual).
01-25-2007 Added an Urdu Article,
کرسمس اوراسلام,
(Christmas and Islam).
01-23-2007 An article on
Islam: The
Qur’an, Oath of Office and the U.S. Congress.
Last edited 12/03/2007
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