2005 Site Updates
12-26-2004 Re-published the Arabic book by Canon Edward
Sell (1869-1932), تطور القرآن التاريخي,
(The Historical Development of the Qur’an). This re-publication was
done to correct some errors and to improve the style.
12-19-2005 Added a PDF file for Canon Edward Sell's
booklet, The
Recensions of the Qur'an, Christian Literature Society,
Madras, 1909, p. 26.
12-12-2005 Added an Urdu language book,
ذاتِ لاثانی,
(The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ by Allama Imant Khan).
12-12-2005 Added an Urdu language book,
کوائف العرب,
(The Arabs Before Islam by Allama Ghulam Mashi).
12-12-2005 Added an Urdu language book,
اِنسان کی بابت مسیحی دین کی تعلیم,
(The Christian Teaching About Man By William Machen).
12-12-2005 Added an Urdu language testimony,
واقعات عماديه,
(Waqiat - i - Imadiyah — Account of Allama Imad-u-Din's Conversion from Islam to Christianity).
12-09-2005 Added a German article by Gotthelf
Neue Quellen zum Koran-Text, Forschungen und Fortschritte, 9.
Jahrg. Nr. 6, 20 Februar 1933, p. 78.
12-02-2005 Added a book in PDF format by Edward Sell (1869-1932),
The Historical Development Of The Qur'an, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., London, England, 4th Edition, 1923, pp. 206.
11-24-2005 Added an Arabic language book entitled,
كِتَابُ المَصَاحِف,
by أبي بكر عبد الله بن أبي داود سليمان بن الأشعث السجستاني, (The Book of Al-Masahif (Kitab Al-Masahif) by Ibn Abi Dawud,
Egypt, 1936(?), pp. 257, Reprinted in Beirut, Lebanon, 1985 and
Damascus, Syria, 2004.)
11-24-2005 Added an Arabic language book entitled,
مقدمة آثر جِفري لكِتَاب المَصَاحِف,
by Arthur Jeffery, Introduction to Kitab al-Masahif,
Cairo, Egypt, 1936(?)
11-16-2005 Added an Arabic language book entitled,
سلسلة «الحقيقة الصعبة» (٥)، العلويّون النّصيريّون: بحث في العقيدة والتَّاريخ,
by أبو موسى الحَريري,
(The Nusayrian Alawites: Study on Belief and History by Abû Mûsâ al-Harîrî, Beirut,
Lebanon, 1980, pp. 269.)
10-24-2005 Added an Urdu language book,
سّیدنا مسیح کی لاثانی شخصت,
(The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ by Allama Imant Khan).
10-24-2005 Added an Urdu language book,
نزولِ مسیح,
(Second Coming of Christ: A Tract for Muslim Brethren by Allama Sultan M. Paul).
10-17-2005 Added 20 Turkish audio lesson on
Bu Denli Büyük Bir Kurtuluş
by John F. Strombeck.
10-10-2005 Added an Urdu language book,
لیبریٹوری میتھڈ,
(The Laboratory Method in Religion by D. J. Fleming, 1911).
10-10-2005 Added an Urdu language book,
مفتاح الاسرار,
(Miftah-ul-Asrar: The Key of Mysteries by Carl G. Pfander).
10-10-2005 Added an Urdu language book,
شانِ صلیب,
(The Glory of the Cross by Samuel M. Zwemer, 1928).
10-08-2005 Added an Arabic language book entitled,
بَينَ العَقل وَالنّبيّ: بَحث في العقيدة الدِّرزيَّة,
by أنوَر يَاس����ن، ����َائل السَيِّد، بهَاء الدينُ سَيفُ الله,
(Between Reason & Prophet: Study On Druze Belief by Anwar Yassin,
Wa'el As- Seid, and Baha Ad- Din Seif Allah, Beirut,
Lebanon, 1985, pp. 464.)
10-07-2005 Added a Russian book,
Коран: Его Композиция И Учение; И Свидетельство, Которое Он Несет О Священном Писании by Сэра Уильяма Мьюира, K.C.S.I, Д-РА ЮСТ.
It is a translation of Sir William Muir, K.C.S.I., LL.D., The Corân:
Its Composition And Teaching; And The Testimony It Bears To The
Holy Scriptures., Society For Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, England, 1878, pp. 239.
10-04-2005 Added a Farsi language book entitled,
پاسخ به اتهام,
by نورمن گایسلر و عبدالصلیب, (Norman
L. Geisler and Abdul Saleeb, Answering Islam: The Crescent in Light
of the Cross, 2nd Edition, Baker Books, Grand Rapid, MI, 2002, pp.
366, ISBN: 0-8010-6430-9.)
09-28-2005 Added an Arabic language book entitled,
مذكرات شيطـان سابق,
by أحمد عونى شلقامى - مسلم سابق: عضو جمعية شرعية سابق قام بأسلمة عدد من الفتيات المسيحيات,
(Notes of an ex-Devil by Ahmed Awny Shilgamy - Ex Muslim: A former member of an Islamic Sharia organization to convert young Christian ladies to Islam.)
09-06-2005 Added an Arabic language book entitled,
المسيحيّة في مِيزان المسلِمين,
by أبو موسى الحريري,
(The Christianity In The Balance Of Muslims by Abû Mûsâ Al-Harîrî, Beirut,
Lebanon, 1989, pp. 255.)
06-06-2005 Added a book by Zwemer, Samuel M.(1867-1952),
Childhood In The Moslem World, Fleming H. Revell
Company, New York, NY, 1915, pp. 274.
09-06-2005 Added an Arabic article entitled,
حديث الإفك,
by مالك مسلماني,
(Slander — Ayesha’s adventure with Safwan by M. Meselmany).
09-06-2005 Added an Arabic language book entitled,
نَبيّ الرحمَة وَقرآن المسلمِين: بَحث في مجتمَع مَكة,
by أبو موسى الحريري,
(The Truth Hard Series, Vol. 2 — Prophet of Mercy & Qur'an of Muslims: Study on Society of Mecca by Abû Mûsâ Al-Harîrî, Beirut,
Lebanon, 1985, pp. 207.)
08-22-2005 Added a book edited by Annie Van Sommer and Samuel M. Zwemer entitled,
Daylight In The Harem: A New
Era For Moslem Women, Papers on present-day reform movements,
conditions and methods of work among Moslem women read at the
Lucknow Conference, 1911, Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, London,
England, 1911, pp. 224.
08-22-2005 Added an Urdu (اردو) language book,
(Thread Of Pearls: A Reply To Objections of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani by Allama Akbar Mashi).
08-22-2005 Added an Urdu (اردو) language book,
دعوتِ اسلام,
(Davat-i-Islam: Muslim’s invited to Read the Bible by William Muir).
08-15-2005 Added an Arabic language book entitled,
أَعَرَبيٌّ هُوَ؟!— بَحثٌ في عُروبَة الإسْلام,
by أبو موسى الحريري,
(The Truth Hard Series, Vol. 4 — Was He An Arab!? A Study on the
Arabic Character of Islam by Abû Mûsâ Al-Harîrî, Beirut, Lebanon, 1984, pp. 253.)
08-09-2005 Added an Urdu language book,
(There is no Salvation in Islam by Sultan Muhammad Paul).
08-01-2005 Added an Urdu language book,
آیئنہ اسلام,
(A translation of the Mirror of Islam by Allama Rajab Ali & Rev. Nolis).
08-01-2005 Added a Farsi language book,
این نجات عظیم,
(A translation of So Great Salvation by John F. Strombeck).
08-01-2005 Added a Farsi language book,
آموزه امنیت ابدی,
(A translation of Eternal Security by Charles Stanley).
08-01-2005 Added a Farsi language book,
ایراداتی به مسیحیت,
(A translation of Objections to Christianity by David Bast).
08-01-2005 Added a Farsi language book,
حقایق اساسی ایمان مسیحی,
(A translation of Essential Truths by Robert C. Sproul).
08-01-2005 Added a Farsi language book,
چرا خدا چون خدا عمل نمیکند؟,
(A translation of Why Doesn’t God Act More Like God? by David Bast).
08-01-2005 Added a Farsi language book,
شاد باشید,
(A translation of Be Joyful by Warren W. Wiersbe).
08-01-2005 Added a Farsi language book,
واقعی باشید,
(It is a translation of Be Real by Warren W. Wiersbe).
08-01-2005 Added a Farsi language book,
کامل باشید,
(It is a translation of Be Complete by Warren W. Wiersbe).
08-01-2005 Added a Farsi language book,
تنها دری که به بهشت گشوده میشود,
(It is a translation of The Door of Heaven).
07-27-2005 Added an Arabic language book entitled,
قَسٌّ وَنَبيٌّ: بحث في نشأَة الإسلام,
by أبو موسى الحريري,
(The Truth Hard Series, Vol. 1 — A Priest, A Prophet: Study on the
Origin of Islam by Abû Mûsâ Al-Harîrî, Beirut,
Lebanon, 1979, First edition, pp. 223.) This additional PDF file has 173 pages
because it does not follow
the pagination of the book:
قَسٌّ وَنَبيٌّ: بحث في نشأَة الإسلام.
07-19-2005 Added a list of
Bible References to Places in Turkey.
07-18-2005 Added a Russian book,
Чему Учит Книга «Исход».
It is a translation of E. Dennett, Typical Teachings of Exodus, G. Morrish, 114 Camberwell Road, London, 1982, pp. 398.
07-17-2005 Added an Arabic language book entitled,
النَّصْرَانيَّة وَآدابُهَا بَيْنَ عرَب الجاهِليَّة,
by لِلأب لويس شيخو اليسُوعي,
(Christianity And Its Literature Amongst The Arabs Of Pre-Islamic
Times, by Louis Cheikhou, Beyrouth, 1912-1923, (2nd
Edition 1989, Dar El-Machreq Sarl, Beyrouth), pp. 536.)
07-17-2005 Added a French language
Preface to,
النَّصْرَانيَّة وَآدابُهَا بَيْنَ عرَب الجاهِليَّة,
by لِلأب لويس شيخو اليسُوعي,
Le Christianisme Et La Littérature Chrétienne En Arabie Avant L'islam, by Louis Cheikhou, Beyrouth, 1912-1923, (2nd
Edition 1989, Dar El-Machreq Sarl, Beyrouth), pp. 8.)
07-16-2005 Added a Turkish book,
Bu Denli Büyük Bir Kurtuluş.
It is a translation of John F. Strombeck, So Great Salvation, Strombeck Agency, Inc., Moline, IL, 1940
(21st edition, 1952), pp.152.
07-15-2005 Added an Arabic language book entitled,
عَالَمُ المُعجزات : بَحثٌ في تاريخ القُرآن,
by أبو موسى الحريري,
(The Truth Hard Series, Vol. 3 — The World of Miracles: Study on the History
of Qur'an, by Abû Mûsâ Al-Harîrî, Beirut, Lebanon, 1982, pp. 249.) This
additional PDF file has 184 pages because it does not follow the
pagination of the book:
عَالَمُ المُعجزات : بَحثٌ في تاريخ القُرآن.
06-09-2005 Added a Farsi language book,
طبيـــب محــبوب,
(Life Story of Dr. Sa’eed Kordestani — “Precious Doctor”).
06-08-2005 Added a German book,
Geschichte des Qorāns, vol II, Die Sammlung des Qorāns, by
Theodor Nöldeke, Dieterich'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Leipzig,
Germany, 1919, pp. 224. (Story of the Qur’an, Vol. 2, The
Collection of the Qur'an).
05-14-2005 Added an Arabic booklet,
(The Atonement by William Goldsack).
05-12-2005 Added a Farsi language article,
اسلام و سر بریدن,
(Islam and Beheading).
05-12-2005 Added a Farsi language article,
محمد ، اسلام و تروریسم,
(Muhammad, Islam and Terrorism).
05-04-2005 Added a Turkish language article,
Muhammet, İslamiyet ve Terörizm,
(Muhammad, Islam and Terrorism.
04-23-2005 Added an article by Samuel M. Zwemer,
Translations of the Koran,
The Moslem World, July 1915, p. 244-261.
04-11-2005 Added a Turkish language article entitled,
İslam ve Baş Kesme,
or Islam and Beheading.
04-08-2005 Added an Arabic language article entitled,
متاعب في بيتِ محمّدٍ,
by مالك مسلماني, (Troubles in
Muhammad's House: Reading on Surah At-Tahrim 66 by M.
04-05-2005 Added an Arabic language book entitled,
مَنْطِقُ الثّالُوث,
by الأبّ هَنري بُولاد اليَسُوعيّ,
(Logic of the Trinity, by Henry Bolard, Dar El- Mashreq, Beirut,
Lebanon, 4th
edition, 2001, pp 60.)
03-30-2005 Added an Arabic language book entitled,
يحْيىٰ بنْ عدِيّ و " تهْذيبُ الأخْلاق ",
study and text by جَـاد حَـاتِم,
(Yaḥyā ibn ‛Adī and "The Cultivation of Ethics", by Professor Jad
Hatem, Dar El- Mashreq, Beirut, 1985, pp 134.)
03-22-2005 Added an Arabic language book entitled,
أبو رائطه التكريتيّ (القرن التاسع الميلادي) و رسالتُه
« في الثالوثْ المقدَّس »,
study and text by الأبْ سَليم دكّاش اليَسُوعيّ,
(Abū Rāi'ṭ̣a Al-Takriti and His treatise « On the Holy Trinity », by Professor
Jad Hatem, Dar El- Mashreq, Beirut, Lebanon, first edition, 1996, pp
03-18-2005 Added an Arabic language book entitled,
صوفيَّةُ المَسيحيَّة ٢ — سِفر الرؤيا,
by يوسف درة الحداد,
(The Mysticism of Christianity — In the Book of Revelation, by Professor Youssef Durrah
al-Haddad, Boulisyah Library, Jounieh, Lebanon, pp 287.)
02-20-2005 Added a book by L. Bevan Jones,
Christianity Explained
To Muslims, Y.M.C.A. Publishing House, Calcutta, India, 1938,
pp. 225.
02-15-2005 Added an Arabic language book entitled,
صوفيَّةُ المَسيحيَّة. ١ — الإنجيل بحسب يوحنا,
by يوسف درة الحداد,
(The Mysticism of Christianity — In Gospel according to John, by Professor Youssef Durrah
al-Haddad, Boulisyah Library, Jounieh, Lebanon, pp 547.)
01-18-2005 Added an Arabic article entitled,
التَّأْثِيرُ السِّريَانِيُّ على أُسْلوبِ القُرْآنِ,
authored by ألفونس مينغانا. It is an
Arabic language
translation of: Alphonse Mingana, Syriac Influence on the Style
of the Kur'an, Bulletin of The John Rylands Library, Manchester:
University Press, Longsmans, Green, & Co., London, England, Vol. 11,
No. 1, 1927, p. 77-98.
01-15-2005 Added a Russian language article entitled,
Ислам, терпимость и
(Islam, Tolerance, and the Cross).
01-3-2005 Added an Arabic language book entitled,
— في سِفْر أعمَـال الرّسـُل,
by يوسف درة الحداد,
(The History of Christianity — In the Book of Acts, by Professor Youssef Durrah
al-Haddad, Boulisyah Library, 2nd edition, Jounieh, Lebanon, 1990,
pp 287.)
01-1-2005 Added a Farsi language book entitled,
کتاب مسمی به منابع اسلام, (The
Sources of Islam by William St. Clair Tisdall.)
Last edited 01/01/2005
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