(xiii) 23; Suratu'sh-Shu'ara (xxvi) 56; Suratu'l-Mu'min
(xl) 8; Suratu'z-Zukhruf (xliii) 70] . It is true, we
must be careful not to infer too much from this latter
concession; for in spite of it the Qur'an remains far
from admitting that their assumed inferiority to men
will disappear even there. On the contrary, it promises
rewards and enjoyments to the male sex [see, e.g. Suratu'l-Waqi'a
(lvi) 23-4; Suratu'r-Rahman (lv) 56, 70-8], for which
women will search in vain in the same book with regard
to their own sex.
After all this, we can hardly wonder that men should
be admirers of a religion which gives them so great
a superiority over the other sex, extending even to
the future world; but if women could be found who were
Muslims by choice, and not from the mere force of circumstances,
this would be strange indeed, and could only be accounted
for on the ground that their want of education must
prevent them from duly reflecting upon, and fully realizing,
the degradation to which they are reduced by Islam,
both in the life which now is, and in that which is
to come.
We have now done with our subject, so far as it was
intended to be discussed on the present occasion. Adopting
the statements of both Muhammadan and Christian theologians
that God did not reveal His true and. saving religion
at once, but gradually and |
at long intervals of time, we applied this principle
to the three widely-spread monotheistic religions —
Judaism, Christianity and Muhammadanism.1
The professed believers of these three religions all
agree in this, that Judaism, or the religion communicated
to Moses, and other Israelitish prophets after him,
was revealed by God, and consequently was a true religion.
Hence it was not thought necessary to adduce proofs
in support of the true religion in its Jewish or Israelitish
form. But after God had ceased for several hundred years
to send prophets to the Jews, a new religion sprung
up in Judea, claiming to be the higher development or
fulfilment of Judaism, or the true religion in its highest
form, and in the absolute sense. That this new religion,
i.e. Christianity, was likewise a genuine revelation
from God, and ranked higher than Judaism, upon this
both Muhammadans and Christians also essentially agree,
while the Jews deny it. On this latter account we found
it necessary to show what strong reasons the Muhammadans
and Christians have for believing that Christianity
is a higher stage of the true religion than Judaism.
It was not our object to enlarge on that head, in order
not to exceed the limits of this present pamphlet. Accordingly
we only referred, first, to the wonderful intrinsic
life and victorious