unlikely possibility—have held this view, we still ask proof that this was the doctrine of the universal Christian Church. There have been some strange views held by bodies who still claimed to be Muhammadans, which, however, have been regarded as heresies by the main body of Muhammadan believers; and it would be equally just for us to say that these heresies were part of the orthodox Muhammadan faith, as it would be for Muhammadans to claim that such a view of the Trinity as that mentioned above, was, or ever had been, a part of the orthodox Christian Faith, supposing, for the sake of argument, that it could be proved that some small body of Christians ever held this position. Let us, however, repeat that this is only a supposition for the sake of the argument; for it has never been shown that this conception of the Trinity has ever at any time been held by any body calling themselves Christians.

We see, then, that in the investigation which we ask the Muhammadan to make, the Qur'an cannot be used of itself as evidence to show whether Christianity as taught by Jesus, and Christianity as taught by the Christian Church is one or not. Any statement which the Qur'an may make on the subject must be corroborated or proved by historical evidence from outside. In other words, as settling this point, the Qur'an is not 'evidence'.


Thus, the two main grounds on which the average Muhammadan claims that Muhammadanism is superior to Christianity, must be set aside. The fact that Muhammad came after Christianity and professed to bring another revelation superseding the former, does not of itself prove anything one way or the other, as to the truth or untruth of Christianity, as to the truth or untruth of Muhammadanism. It leaves the issue between them undecided, and each honest seeker after truth must investigate the question personally for himself. He must seek to find out for his own satisfaction whether Muhammad had any real ground for saying that Jesus was a prophet of God, and taught the true Religion of God, and yet maintaining that what the Christian Church taught in his name was false. No open-minded seeker after truth among the body of Muhammadan believers can shut his eyes to this issue. If anyone puts it aside and takes his stand on the bare statement of Muhammad that this difference truly exists, he may remain an orthodox Muhammadan, but he ceases to be an honest seeker after truth. Let it be noted that we do not say that everyone who comes to the conclusion that these two differ, and so holds to his Muhammadan Faith as being the true Religion as taught by Jesus, is dishonest in his search after truth. There may be men honestly seeking the truth who believe this; but they must be capable of giving a reason