the twelve tribes of Israel. The lot fell upon that
good old man, Joseph."
Returning now to the Protevangelium, we are
told that when the fact became known that Mary had conceived,
Joseph and she were brought before the priests for judgment.
The story then goes on:—
the priest said, ‘Mary, why hast thou done this and
hast humbled thy soul? Thou hast forgotten the Lord
thy God, thou who wast brought up in the Holy of Holies
and didst receive food at an angel's hand, and didst
hear the hymns ... Why hast thou done this?’ But she
wept bitterly, saying, ‘As the Lord God liveth, I am
pure in His sight, and I know not a man.’"
Afterwards we are informed that Joseph and Mary went
from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Failing to find room in
the caravansarai at the latter place, they went to abide
in a cave, and there the Lord Jesus was born. The words
of the original, omitting as usual everything not connected
with our present purpose, may be thus translated:—
he found a cave and led her in ... But
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