up! What! A god with God? Yet they find equals for Him!
'Is not He, who hath set the earth so firm, and hath
made rivers in its midst, and hath placed mountains upon it,
and put a barrier between the two seas? What! a god with God?
Yet the greater part of them have no knowledge!
'Is not He the more worthy who answereth the oppressed
when they cry to Him, and taketh off their ills, and maketh
you to succeed your sires on the earth? What! a god with God?
How few bear these things in mind!
'Is not He, who guideth you in the darkness of the land
and of the sea, and who sendeth forth the winds as the forerunners
of His mercy? What! a god with God? Far from God be what ye
join with Him!
'Is not He, who created a being, then reneweth it, and
who supplieth you out of the Heaven and the Earth? What! a
god with God? Say: Bring forth your proofs if you speak the
truth.' 1
Many more passages might be quoted, or referred to, as showing
the range over which Muhammad's mind passed when he sought
to give evidences of the existence of God, and of the wonderful
manner in which He planned, created, rules and over-rules
all things.
All these evidences, however, are adduced not so much to
show that there is a God, as to show that the God who is,
is one God. In nature and in providence